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Computer Vision Syndrome & Computer Glasses

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

When we spend time in front of a computer our eyes are put under incredible strain. Your glasses and contact lenses are not suited for the task of viewing a computer which is called mid-distance vision. The longer you spend each day in front of a computer, the higher your risk of experiencing symptoms of computer vision syndrome. CVS is not only for adults, children who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or tablet also report symptoms. Estimates range between 50% and 90% of adults are experiencing CVS.

What Are The Symptoms?

People with computer vision syndrome will experience some of the following symptoms: Dry eyes, Watery eyes, Eye pain, Red eyes, Headaches, Neck and Back Pain, Blurred vision and Eye Strain

Who Is At Risk?

Researches are yet to fully understand computer vision syndrome, however estimates are that spending over 2 hours a day in front of a computer means you have a 90% chance of experiencing computer vision syndrome at some stage of your life. The more time spent in front of a computer or tablet screen, the higher the risk is to your eyes.

Why Does Computer Vision Syndrome Occur?

Computers are at a specific distance away from our eyes, called mid distance vision. Most glasses and contact lenses are not made to ensure comfort at those distances. But even people who do not wear glasses and contacts can have CVS.

  • The continued focus on mid distance vision is thought to put additional strain on your eyes when compared to near or far vision.
  • The glare from the screen and improper lighting may also cause additional strain on your eyes.
  • Text that is on a computer screen is often not as sharply defined as text on paper, which causes your eyes to work harder when reading.
  • The viewing angle of a computer screen if not properly adjusted causes bad posture which can lead to neck and back pain as well as headaches.
  • Blue light causes damage to the eye, it is found in excess in digital device screens such as computers, tablets and cellphones.
  • Research has shown that people using a computer blink much less often, blinking is essential for proper eye function, and can cause dry eyes which has similar symptoms to CVS.